- IPA[nʌɪs]
- giving pleasure or satisfaction; pleasant or attractive;(of a person) good-natured; kind
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- 1. giving pleasure or satisfaction; pleasant or attractive we had a nice time it's very nice to be appreciated 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ (of a person) good-natured; kind he's a really nice guy Joe had been very nice to her 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ ironic not good; unpleasant that's a nice way to come into my kitchen—no greeting!
- 2. (especially of a difference) slight or subtle there is a nice distinction between self-sacrifice and martyrdom 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ requiring careful consideration a nice point
- 3. archaic fastidious; scrupulous.
- be pleasant or polite to someone, typically in a hypocritical way
Oxford Dictionary
- pleasing to the eye; attractive: he was a nice-looking guy nice-looking houses
Oxford American Dictionary
- used to express approval of a task well done
Oxford Dictionary
- expressing approval or commendation
Oxford American Dictionary
- used to express approval
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[nīs]
- pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory: we had a nice time
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[nēs]
- a resort city on the French Riviera, near the border with Italy; population 348,721 (2007).
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[nʌɪs]
- (in England and Wales) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[niːs]
- a resort city on the French Riviera, near the border with Italy; population 348,721 (2007).
Oxford Dictionary