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  1. number one

    • IPA[ˌnʌmbə ˈwʌn]


    • n.
      a person or thing that is foremost or most important in an activity or area;a recording or other product in a particular category that has sold the most copies in a particular time period.
    • adj.
      most important or prevalent; foremost;best-selling in a particular category
    • noun: number one, plural noun: number ones

    • 釋義


    • 1. a person or thing that is foremost or most important in an activity or area businesses that were number one in their markets
    • a recording or other product in a particular category that has sold the most copies in a particular time period.
    • 2. used in reference to oneself you must look after number one
    • 3. used euphemistically to refer to urine.
    • 4. the shortest men's cropped haircut produced with electric hair clippers.
    • 5. a first lieutenant in the navy.


    • 1. most important or prevalent; foremost a number-one priority coronary disease is the number-one killer of American men
    • best-selling in a particular category a number-one album
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    • IPA[ˌnəmbər ˈwən]


    • n.
      a person or thing that is the best or the most important in an activity or area: businesses that were number one in their markets
    • adj.
      most important or prevalent; foremost: a number-one priority coronary disease is the number-one killer of American men

    Oxford American Dictionary