Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. old-timer

    • IPA[ˈoʊld ˈˌtaɪmər]


    • n.
      a person who has had the same job, membership, or residence, etc., for a long time;an old person
    • noun: old-timer, plural noun: old-timers

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    • 1. informal a person who has had the same job, membership, or residence, etc., for a long time old-timers could reminisce about the days before fax machines
    • informal an old person hopeful youngsters clashed with old-timers
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    • IPA[ˌəʊl(d)ˈtʌɪmə]


    • n.
      a very experienced or long-serving person: old-timers could reminisce about the days before fax machines

    Oxford Dictionary