- KK[ˋwʌnɑnˋwʌn]
- DJ[ˋwʌnɔnˋwʌn]
- 一對一(的),直接對立(的)
- 一人對一人的比賽
- 釋義
- 相關詞
a. &
- 1. 一對一(的),直接對立(的)
- 1. 一人對一人的比賽
- 勝過,超過
- 按照一種模式
- 喝醉
- (患病或遭受挫折後)完全復原 After his wife's death it took him two years to get back on his feet. 他妻子死後兩年, 他才振作起來。 Only our party's policies will put the country on its feet again. 只有我們黨的政策才會使國家恢復元氣。
- 把...置疑一邊 I will have to put those papers on one side while I deal with more urgent work. 我要處理更緊急的事務, 得把這些文件擱一擱。 I'll sort through these magazines, and put on one side those that I wish to keep. 我會挑一下這些雜誌, 把我要的放在一邊。
- 【俚】獨自, 自個兒 You are off on your jack then? 那麼你就獨自一人去了?
- 臥病在床 He was on his back for 3 weeks. 他有三個星期臥病在床。
- 問心有愧(使人覺得自己做錯了事或該做某事而未做) It's still on my conscience that I didn't warn her in time. 我未能及時提醒她, 這事至今使我耿耿於懷。 How could he live peacefully with such a wicked crime on his conscience? 他做了這樣傷天害理的事怎麼能過太平的日子呢?
- 站著 She has been on her legs all day. 她從早到晚站了一天。
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