Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. open

    • IPA[ˈəʊpən]



    • adj.
      開著的; 翻開的; 張開的; 敞開的;開門的; 開放的
    • vt.
      打開;伸開; 展開
    • vi.
      打開; 睜開; 張開;出現
    • 過去式:opened 過去分詞:opened 現在分詞:opening

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞
    • 片語


    • 1. 開著的; 翻開的; 張開的; 敞開的 to leave the door open a crack 把門留一條縫 I can't get the door open 我打不開門
    • 2. 開門的; 開放的 the bank won't be open until 9 銀行9點才開門 to be open to the public 向公眾開放
    • 3. 暢通的; 通暢 to be open 暢通無阻 open water 無障礙水域
    • 4. 敞篷的; 無遮蓋的 an open boat 敞艙船 an open fire/drain 明火/排水明溝
    • 5. 開闊的 the open air 戶外 open country 空曠的田野
    • 6. 暴露的; 顯眼的 an open field 無遮擋的田地 to be open to sth. 易受某物影響
    • 7. 開明的 to have an open mind 思想開明 to keep an open mind (about sth.) (對某事)不懷成見
    • 8. 空缺的 there's a slot open in July 七月有一個空檔 to keep a job open for sb. 給某人留著一份工作
    • 9. 無限制的 an open contest or competition 公開賽
    • 10. 坦率的; 坦誠的 to be open with sb. (about sth.) (在某事上)對某人坦誠 with an open heart 坦誠地
    • 11. 待定的 an open question 懸而未決的問題 the race is still wide open 競賽仍然勝負未定
    • 12. 公然的 open revolt or rebellion 公然的反叛 an open scandal 人盡皆知的醜聞
    • 13. 稀疏的


    • 1. 打開 to open one's mouth/eyes 張開嘴巴/睜開眼睛 to open an envelope/a parcel 拆開信封/包裹
    • 2. 伸開; 展開 to open a newspaper/an umbrella 翻開報紙/撐開雨傘 open the book at page 2 把書翻到第2頁
    • 3. 開出; 開闢
    • 4. 開始 to open a meeting/show 開始開會/演出 to open a case 開始審案
    • 5. 為…揭幕; 宣布啟用 to open a new session of parliament 宣布新一屆議會召開
    • 6. 開辦; 開設
    • 7. 開立
    • 8. 打開


    • 1. 打開; 睜開; 張開 when the flowers open in spring 春天花開時 to open wide 大開著
    • 2. 出現 cracks opened in the ice 冰面上出現了裂縫 a split has opened in the party 黨內出現了分裂
    • 3. 開門; 開業; 開幕 to open at nine o'clock every day 每天9點開始營業 there's a new supermarket opening in the High Street 商業大街上一家新超市開業了
    • 4. 上演; 上映
    • 5. 開始 to open with sth. 以某事開始 shares opened at 123p 股票以123便士開盤
    • 6. 起頭 to open for sth./sb. 代表某事物/某人率先開始 to open for the defence 由被告方開始發言


    1. allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked

    2. (of a garment or its fastenings) not done up

    3. (of land) not covered with buildings or trees

    4. with the outer edges or sides drawn away from each other; unfolded or spread out

    5. (of a business, place of entertainment, etc.) admitting customers or visitors; available for business

    6. freely available or accessible; unrestricted

    7. with no restrictions on those allowed to participate

    8. not concealing one's thoughts or feelings; frank and communicative

    9. not concealed

    10. welcoming public discussion, criticism, and enquiry

    11. (of a matter or decision) not finally settled; still admitting of debate

    12. (of the mind) accessible to new ideas

    13. receptive to

    14. move (a door or window) so as to leave a space allowing access and vision

    15. undo or remove the lid, cover, or fastening of (a container, package, letter, etc.) to get access to the contents

    16. (of a room, door, or window) give access to


    「1. allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked」的反義字

    「2. (of land) not covered with buildings or trees」的反義字

    「3. with the outer edges or sides drawn away from each other; unfolded or spread out」的反義字

    「4. (of a business, place of entertainment, etc.) admitting customers or visitors; available for business」的反義字

    「5. with no restrictions on those allowed to participate」的反義字

    「6. not concealing one's thoughts or feelings; frank and communicative」的反義字

    「7. not concealed」的反義字

    「8. welcoming public discussion, criticism, and enquiry」的反義字

    「9. (of a matter or decision) not finally settled; still admitting of debate」的反義字

    「10. (of the mind) accessible to new ideas」的反義字

    「11. move (a door or window) so as to leave a space allowing access and vision」的反義字

    「12. unfold or be unfolded; spread out」的反義字

    「13. (of an enterprise, meeting, or event) begin or be formally established」的反義字

    • n.
    • n.[C]
    • open的動詞過去式、過去分詞
    • open的形容詞最高級
    • 打開的人


    • 打開


    • 打開


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    • 更多解釋
    • KK[ˋopən]
    • DJ[ˋəupən]


    • adj.
      打開的 My door is always open to visitors. 我的門永遠為來訪者而開。
    • vt.
      開;打開 I opened the window after I got up. 我起床後便把窗子打開。
    • vi.
      開;張開;展開 The flowers are opening. 花正在開放。
    • n.
      戶外,野外[the S] We spent that night in the open. 那夜我們在野外度過。
    • 打開,開
