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  1. overbalance

    • IPA[ˌōvərˈbal(ə)ns]


    • v.
      fall or cause to fall over from loss of balance;outweigh
    • n.
      an excess of weight, value, or amount
    • verb: overbalance, 3rd person present: overbalances, gerund or present participle: overbalancing, past tense: overbalanced, past participle: overbalanced

    • noun: overbalance, plural noun: overbalances

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    • 1. British fall or cause to fall over from loss of balance their combined weight had overbalanced them the ladder overbalanced on top of her
    • British outweigh I fault the university for many things, but all are overbalanced by its unparalleled resources


    • 1. archaic an excess of weight, value, or amount overbalance of propriety
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    • IPA[ˌəʊvəˈbaləns]


    • v.
      fall or cause to fall over from loss of balance: he overbalanced and fell against the wall their combined weight had overbalanced them
    • n.
      an excess of weight, value, or amount: an overbalance of propriety

    Oxford Dictionary