- IPA[ˈpɛdɪɡriː]
- the record of descent of an animal, showing it to be pure-bred;a pure-bred animal.
- (of an animal) pure-bred
noun: pedigree, plural noun: pedigrees
- 釋義
- 1. the record of descent of an animal, showing it to be pure-bred they are looking for animals with pedigrees a spaniel of distinguished pedigree
- ▪ a pure-bred animal.
- 2. the recorded ancestry or lineage of a person or family with a pedigree equal to many of the gentry the debate about pedigree and family fortunes
- ▪ the history or provenance of a person or thing, especially as conferring distinction the scheme has a long pedigree
- ▪ a genealogical table my host showed me his family pedigree
- 1. British (of an animal) pure-bred pedigree cats
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈpedəˌɡrē]
- the record of descent of an animal, showing it to be purebred: they are looking for animals with pedigrees a spaniel of distinguished pedigree
Oxford American Dictionary