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  1. penny-pinching

    • IPA[ˈpenēˌpin(t)SHiNG]


    • adj.
      unwilling to spend or share money; miserly; mean
    • n.
      unwillingness to spend or share money
    • noun: penny-pinching

    • 釋義


    • 1. unwilling to spend or share money; miserly; mean being frugal doesn't mean you have to turn into a penny pinching miser


    • 1. unwillingness to spend or share money this penny-pinching has exposed the bridge's steelwork to corrosion
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈpɛnɪpɪn(t)ʃɪŋ]


    • adj.
      unwilling to spend money; miserly: being frugal doesn't mean you have to turn into a penny pinching miser
    • n.
      unwillingness to spend money: this penny-pinching has exposed the bridge's steelwork to corrosion

    Oxford Dictionary