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  1. periphrastic

    • IPA[ˌperəˈfrastik]


    • adj.
      (of speech or writing) indirect and circumlocutory;(of a case or tense) formed by a combination of words rather than by inflection (such as did go and of the people rather than went and the people's).
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    • 1. (of speech or writing) indirect and circumlocutory the periphrastic nature of legal syntax
    • (of a case or tense) formed by a combination of words rather than by inflection (such as did go and of the people rather than went and the people's).
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    • IPA[ˌpɛrɪˈfrastɪk]


    • adj.
      (of speech or writing) indirect and circumlocutory: the periphrastic nature of legal syntax

    Oxford Dictionary