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  1. pimple

    • IPA[ˈpɪmpl]


    • n.
      a small hard inflamed spot on the skin
    • noun: pimple, plural noun: pimples

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    • 1. a small hard inflamed spot on the skin he had a pimple at the corner of his mouth I can see the hut down there, just a tiny pimple
    • plural
      a state of the skin caused by cold, fear, or excitement, in which small bumps appear on the ... I get goose pimples all over when I hear her voice from the speaker

    Oxford Dictionary

    • plural
      a state of the skin caused by cold, fear, or excitement, in which small bumps appear on the ... I get goose pimples all over when I hear her voice from the speaker

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈpimp(ə)l]


    • n.
      a small hard inflamed spot on the skin: he had a pimple at the corner of his mouth I can see the hut down there, just a tiny pimple

    Oxford American Dictionary