- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 擺姿勢 to pose for one's portrait 為畫像擺好姿勢 to pose for sb. 擺好姿勢讓某人照相
- 2. 假裝 to pose as sb. 冒充某人
- 3. 裝腔作勢
- 1. 構成
- 2. 提出
- 3. 使擺好姿勢
- 1. 姿勢 to adopt a pose 擺出一種姿勢
- 2. 故作姿態 it's all a pose 這完全是裝腔作勢 to strike a pose 裝模作樣
1. present or constitute (a problem or danger)
2. raise (a question or matter for consideration)
- put forward
- , raise
- , ask
- , put
- , set
- , submit
- , advance
- , propose
- , propound
- , posit
- , broach
- , suggest
- , postulate
- , moot
3. assume a particular position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn
4. place (someone) in a particular position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn
5. behave affectedly in order to impress others
- behave affectedly
- , strike an attitude
- , strike a pose
- , posture
- , attitudinize
- , put on airs
- , put on an act
- , show off
- , cop an attitude
6. a way of standing or sitting, especially in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn
7. a particular way of behaving adopted in order to impress or to give a false impression
- pose的名詞複數
- pose的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- pose的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
- 做出…的姿態
- 擺姿勢或做手勢以強調自己的話語或感覺; 做作地說出或寫出自己的觀點、意圖或感情; 裝腔作勢 He struck a pose of defiance with a typically hard-hitting speech. 他以慣用的強硬言詞做出違抗的姿態。
- 提出問題
- 1
- 2
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[poz]
- DJ[pəuz]
- (身體呈現的)樣子,姿勢 Hold that pose, said the photographer. 保持那個姿勢別動,攝影師說。
- 擺姿勢[(+for)] The family posed outside the house. 全家人在屋子外面擺好姿勢準備拍照。
- 使擺好姿勢;把……擺正位置 The photographer posed the family before taking the picture. 攝影師在照相前先讓一家子擺好姿勢。
- KK[poz]
- DJ[pəuz]
- 把……難住;使為難 He was determined not to be posed. 他決心不被難住。
- 姿勢,姿態,裝模作樣,偽裝擺姿勢,裝模作樣,假裝使擺好姿勢,提出