- 相關詞
- 同反義
1. a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group
2. something regarded as a special honour
3. a grant to an individual, corporation, or place of special rights or immunities, especially in the form of a franchise or monopoly
- 有特權的; 榮幸的 to be privileged to meet sb./to see sth. 有幸遇見某人/看到某物 the privileged few 享有特權的少數人
- 享有特權的;特許的;幸運的 I am privileged to have worked with her so often. 能和她經常性地合作,我感到幸運。
- privilege的名詞複數
- 有特權的,有特別恩典的
- 議員言論免責權
- 行政官員豁免權
- 【美】行政官員豁免權(行政官員可拒絕出席法庭作證的特權)
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- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋprɪv!ɪdʒ]
- DJ[ˋprivilidʒ]
- 特權;優特[C][U] He enjoys diplomatic privileges. 他享有外交特權。
- 給予……特權(或優待) This pass will privilege you to attend the closed hearings. 有了這張通行證你便可以出席不公開的聽證會。
- 特權,特別恩典,基本人權,特免給與…特權,特免