Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. proclaim

    • IPA[prəˈkleɪm]


    • v.
      announce officially or publicly;declare officially or publicly to be
    • verb: proclaim, 3rd person present: proclaims, gerund or present participle: proclaiming, past tense: proclaimed, past participle: proclaimed

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    • adj.
      described as or proclaimed to be such by oneself, without endorsement by others: exercise books written by self-proclaimed experts

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      described as or proclaimed to be such by oneself, without endorsement by others: books written by self-proclaimed experts

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[prəˈklām]


    • v.
      announce officially or publicly: the joint manifesto proclaimed that imperialism would be the coalition's chief objective army commanders proclaimed a state of emergency

    Oxford American Dictionary