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  1. psychic

    • IPA[ˈsīkik]


    • adj.
      relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance;(of a person) appearing or considered to have powers of telepathy or clairvoyance
    • n.
      a person considered or claiming to have psychic powers; a medium.;the study of psychic phenomena
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    • 1. a person considered or claiming to have psychic powers; a medium.
    • the study of psychic phenomena the field of psychics
    • n.
      the nonmonetary or nonmaterial satisfactions that accompany an occupation or economic activity.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the non-monetary or non-material satisfactions that accompany an occupation or economic activity.

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈsʌɪkɪk]


    • adj.
      relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural ... psychic powers
    • n.
      a person considered or claiming to have psychic powers; a medium: pier-end palmists and fake psychics

    Oxford Dictionary