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  1. pucker

    • IPA[ˈpəkər]


    • v.
      (especially with reference to a person's face) tightly gather or contract into wrinkles or small folds
    • n.
      a tightly gathered wrinkle or small fold, especially on a person's face
    • verb: pucker, 3rd person present: puckers, gerund or present participle: puckering, past tense: puckered, past participle: puckered

    • noun: pucker, plural noun: puckers

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    • 1. (especially with reference to a person's face) tightly gather or contract into wrinkles or small folds the baby stirred, puckering up its tiny face her brows puckered in a frown


    • 1. a tightly gathered wrinkle or small fold, especially on a person's face a pucker between his eyebrows
    • ph.
      contract one's lips as in preparation for a kiss

    Oxford American Dictionary


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    • IPA[ˈpʌkə]


    • v.
      (especially with reference to a person's face) tightly gather or contract into wrinkles or ... the child's face puckered, ready to cry the baby stirred, puckering up its face
    • n.
      a tightly gathered wrinkle or small fold: a pucker between his eyebrows

    Oxford Dictionary