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  1. to put money on

    • ph.
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    • 1. 將錢賭在某人或某事上;打賭 You see that No. 8 horse? Its jockey has an impressive record, so I will put my money on him. 因為第八匹馬的騎師記錄顯赫,我將把我的錢賭在他身上。
    • ph.


    • ph.
      幫助某人尋找(或會晤、晤見)某人; 安排某人與某人接觸 put sb. on to a dentist, lawyer, plumber, etc. 幫某人找牙醫、律師、管子工等 Could you put me on to a good accountant? 你能幫我找個好的會計師嗎?
    • ph.
      加以最後的修飾 The sketches of Chen Yi-Fei's oil paintings are done by his students. He just put the finishing touches on them. 陳逸飛的油畫都是他的學生打底的,他只是做最後的修飾。
    • ph.
      加以最後的修飾 The sketches of Chen Yi-Fei's oil paintings are done by his students. He just put the finishing touches on them. 陳逸飛的油畫都是他的學生打底的,他只是做最後的修飾。
    • ph.
      (試圖)迫使某人(做某事); (尤指)催逼某人(做某事) The birth of twins put pressure on them to find a bigger flat. 他們生了雙胞胎, 不得不尋找一套較大的住房。 I don't want to put pressure on you to make a decision, but we haven't much time left. 我並不想催你做決定, 只是我們剩下的時間已經不多了。
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    • ph.
      坦率地說 Not to put too fine a point on it, we don't think his paintings are so good. 坦率地說, 我們並不認為他的畫水準很高。 I don't much like modern music -- in fact, not to put too fine a point on it, I hate it. 我不很喜歡現代音樂--說句老實話, 我其實很討厭現代音樂。
    • ph.
      坦率地說 Not to put too fine a point on it, we don't think his paintings are so good. 坦率地說,我們並不認為他的畫水準很高。
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    • ph.
      將錢賭在某人或某事上;打賭 You see that No. 8 horse? Its jockey has an impressive record, so I will put my money on him. 因為第八匹馬的騎師記錄顯赫,我將把我的錢賭在他身上。