Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. put sth. in

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    • 1. 安裝或設置某物 We put new central heating in when we moved here. 我們搬到這兒的時候安裝了集中供暖設備。 We're having a new shower put in. 我們正在安裝新的淋浴器。
    • 2. (在故事、敘述等中)包括或插入某事物 If you're writing to your mother, don't forget to put in something about her coming to stay. 你要是正在給你母親寫信, 可別忘了加上幾句請她來住上幾天。
    • 3. 正式提出某事物; 呈交某事物 put in a claim for damages, higher wages 提出賠償損失、提高工資的要求
    • 4. 給予(打擊); 說某話 Tyson put in some telling blows to Tucker's chin. 泰森重擊了塔克的下巴幾拳。 Could I put in a word at this point? 我現在說幾句行嗎?
    • 5. 花費(一段時間)做某事物 She often puts in twelve hours' work a day. 她常常一天工作十二小時。 I must put in an hour's gardening this evening. 今晚我得用一個小時幹些園藝活兒。
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      開動某物 Before he got to the workshop, the machine had been put in motion. 在他到達車間之前, 機器已經開動了。 put the new campaign in motion 開展新的運動
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      開動某物 Before he got to the workshop, the machine had been put in motion. 在他到達車間之前,機器已經開動了。
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      用很少的言語(說明某事物) To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt. 簡而言之, 我們破產了。
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      推薦某人擔任某職位(或獲得獎勵等) The commanding officer put Sergeant Williams in for a medal for bravery. 指揮官推薦威廉斯中士獲勇敢勳章。
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      就某物的損壞提出賠償要求 You can put in a claim for the broken furniture. 你可以就損壞的傢俱提出賠償要求。
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      就某物的損壞提出賠償要求 You can put in a claim for the broken furniture. 你可以就損壞的傢俱提出賠償要求。
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