Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. put sth. up

    • ph.
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    • 1. 升起或舉起某物 put up a flag 升旗 Put your hand up if you want to ask a question. 若要提問題就把手舉起來。
    • 2. 建造或設立某物 put up a fence, memorial, shed, tent 築起籬笆、建立紀念碑、搭起小棚、支起帳篷 Many ugly blocks of flats were put up in the 1960's. 許多難看的公寓式建築群都是六十年代建造的。
    • 3. 把某物固定或緊固於某處俾人注目; 展示某物 put up Christmas decorations, a notice, a poster 展出聖誕裝飾品、發布通告、張貼海報 The team will be put up on the notice-board. 該隊名單將張榜公布。
    • 4. 提高或增加某事物 My landlord's threatening to put the rent up by $10 a week. 我的房東要挾說要把每週租金提高10美元。
    • 5. 提供(資金); 借給(款項) A local businessman has put up the $500000 needed to save the football club. 當地的一位商人提供所需的500000美元以助足球俱樂部度過難關。
    • 6. 提出(意見等)供討論或考慮 put up an argument, a case, a proposal, etc. 提出一論點、事實、建議等



    • ph.
      (在戰鬥、比賽等中)進行(抵抗、鬥爭等) They surrendered without putting up much of a fight. 他們沒怎麼抵抗就投降了。 The team put up a splendid performance. 這個隊表現極佳。
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      自薦為某事物候選人; 參加競選 She is putting (herself) up for election to the committee. 她參加委員競選。
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      【口】慫恿或唆使某人做壞事或幹非法勾當 I can't believe he'd do a thing like that on his own. He must have been put up to it by some of the older boys. 我不相信他會主動幹那種事, 一定是有些年齡大的男孩子叫他幹的。
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