Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. rampaged

    • rampage的動詞過去式、過去分詞
    • 相關詞
    • vi.
      橫衝直撞 to rampage through/over/around ... 在…裡/上/周圍橫衝直撞 several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the city 幾千名示威者在市內胡作非為
    • n.
      狂暴行為 to go or be on the rampage 橫衝直撞 football hooligans on the rampage 尋釁滋事的足球流氓
    • n.
      暴跳;橫衝直撞;狂亂[S] The captured tiger was on the rampage for several days. 捕獲的老虎幾天來一直處於狂躁不安中。 The prisoners killed the warden in a savage rampage. 囚犯們在一陣狂亂中殺死了典獄長。
    • vi.
      暴跳;橫衝直撞 The armed robbers rampaged through the financial district. 武裝搶劫犯在金融區內橫衝直撞胡作非為。
    • 亂鬧,亂沖,暴跳發怒,亂鬧,狂暴


    • ph.


    • ph.
      暴怒 He went on the rampage after an argument with his wife. 與他妻子爭吵之後, 他暴跳如雷。
    • ph.
      到處進行暴力或破壞活動 drunken soldiers on the rampage 喝醉酒而到處鬧事的大兵
    • ph.
      暴怒 He went on the rampage after an argument with his wife. 與他妻子爭吵之後,他暴跳如雷。
    • ph.
      暴怒 He went on the rampage after an argument with his wife. 與他妻子爭吵之後,他暴跳如雷。
    • ph.
