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  1. reactivity

    • IPA[ˌrēakˈtivədē]


    • n.
      the state or power of being reactive or the degree to which a thing is reactive;the extent to which a nuclear reactor deviates from a steady state
    • noun: reactivity

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    • 1. the state or power of being reactive or the degree to which a thing is reactive the chemical and biological reactivity of nontarget organisms cross-reactivity between the hormones of human and bovine origin
    • the extent to which a nuclear reactor deviates from a steady state simulations predict that high rates of reactivity addition to the core could occur
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    • IPA[ˌriːakˈtɪvɪti]


    • n.
      the quality of being reactive or the degree to which something is reactive: the chemical and biological reactivity of non-target organisms cross-reactivity between the hormones of human and bovine origin

    Oxford Dictionary