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  1. recall

    • IPA[rɪˈkɔːl]


    • v.
      bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind; remember;cause one to remember or think of
    • n.
      the action or faculty of remembering something learned or experienced;an act or instance of officially recalling someone or something
    • verb: recall, 3rd person present: recalls, gerund or present participle: recalling, past tense: recalled, past participle: recalled

    • noun: recall, plural noun: recalls

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    • n.
      the ability to remember with clarity every detail of the events of one's life or of a ... he retained to the end of his life a total recall she was teaching five-year-olds how to have total recall of their two-times table

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      in such a way that restoration is impossible

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      in such a way that restoration is impossible

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      the ability to remember with clarity every detail of the events of one's life or of a ... he retained to the end of his life a total recall she was teaching five-year-olds how to have total recall of their two-times table

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • v.
      bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind; remember: I can still vaguely recall being taken to the hospital Annie recalled the event that led to the rift in their friendship
    • n.
      an act or instance of officially recalling someone or something: a recall of Parliament

    Oxford American Dictionary