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  1. refund

    • v.
      pay back (money), typically to a customer who is not satisfied with goods or services bought;pay back money to (someone)
    • n.
      a repayment of a sum of money, typically to a dissatisfied customer
    • verb: refund, 3rd person present: refunds, gerund or present participle: refunding, past tense: refunded, past participle: refunded

    • noun: refund, plural noun: refunds

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    • 1. a repayment of a sum of money, typically to a dissatisfied customer you are entitled to reject it and insist on a refund you'll get an immediate tax refund
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    • v.
      pay back (money), typically to a customer who is not satisfied with goods or services bought: if you're not delighted with your purchase, we guarantee to refund your money in full
    • n.
      a repayment of a sum of money: you may be allowed to claim a refund of the tax

    Oxford Dictionary