- KK[ˋrɛlətɪv]
- DJ[ˋrelətiv]
- 相對的,比較的;與……有關係的,相關的[F][(+to)]
- 親戚,親屬;【文】關係詞
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 相對的,比較的 Relative to its size, the city is sparsely populated. 與它的面積相比,這座城市人口極為稀少。 Nothing's fixed in this world; everything is relative. 在這個世界上沒有什麼東西是固定不變的;一切都是相對的。
- 2. 與……有關係的,相關的[F][(+to)] He asked me some questions relative to the subject. 他問了我一些有關這個題目的問題。
- 3. 成比例的,相應的[(+to)] Supply is relative to demand. 供應是按需求而定的。
- 1. 親戚,親屬 My aunt is my only immediate relative. 我姑母是我唯一的至親。
- 2. 【文】關係詞 Who, what, that, etc. are relatives. who, what, that等是關係詞。
n. 親戚
- kinsman
- , kinswoman
- , relation
- , cognate
- , agnate
- , brother
- , sister
- , uncle
- , aunt
- , nephew
- , niece
- , cousin
- , grandfather
- , grandmother
- , grandson
- , grand-daughter
- , stepfather
- , stepmother
- , stepbrother
- , stepsister
- , great-uncle
- , grand-uncle
- , great-aunt
- , grand-aunt
- , father-in-law
- , mother-in-law
- , brother-in-law
- , sister-in-law
- , next of kin
- , near relation
- , kissing kin
- , kissing cousin
- , kin
- , family member
- , sibling
- , blood relative
- , father
- , mother
- , in-law
a. 相關的,相似的
- comparative
- , correlative
- , correspondent
- , analogous
- , parallel
- , proximate
- , equivalent
- , near
- , close
- , similar
- , like
- , comparable
- , homologous
- , in common
- , common to
- , commensurate
- , proportional
- , respective
a. 相關的,聯合的
- connected
- , related
- , affiliated
- , correlative
- , correlated
- , interrelated
- , interconnected
- , associated
- , associative
- , associate
- , in association
- , connective
- , linking
a. 有關的,適當的
- relevant
- , pertaining
- , referring
- , applicable
- , apposite
- , appropriate
- , proper
- , due
- , meet
- , apt
- , fitting
- , befitting
- , suitable
- , suited
- , congruous
- , pat
- , relating to
- , pertinent
- , relative
- , germane
「a. 相對的」的反義字