ride out
- 安全度過(大風、風暴等);經受得起
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 安全度過(大風、風暴等) The ship rode out the storm. 船安然度過了風暴。
- 2. 經受得起 We shall certainly ride out every difficulty. 我們一定能夠經受住一切困難。 We were confident that we would be able to ride out the nuclear attack. 我們確信我們能夠經受得住核打擊。
- (輪船)安然度過暴風雨 Is this boat strong enough to ride out the storm of the cape? 這只船是否堅固得足以安然度過這個海角的大風暴?
- 渡過難關 You must work hard to ride out a storm. 你們必須努力工作以渡過難關。
- 渡過難關 You must work hard to ride out a storm. 你們必須努力工作以渡過難關。
- 安然度過困難
- 更多解釋
- 安然渡過 to ride out the storm 安然渡過暴風雨
- 騎牲畜出行
- 安全渡過 We were confident that we would be able to ride out the storm. 我們確信我們會安然渡過暴風雨的。
- 安全渡過 We were confident that we would be able to ride out the storm. 我們確信我們會安然渡過暴風雨的。
- 闖過,渡過