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  1. roughness

    • IPA[ˈrəfnəs]


    • n.
      the quality or state of having an uneven or irregular surface;the quality of lacking gentleness
    • noun: roughness

    • 釋義


    • 1. the quality or state of having an uneven or irregular surface the craggy roughness of every peak
    • 2. the quality of lacking gentleness a certain amount of playfighting and roughness is normal for dogs
    • 3. the quality of not being refined or completed the roughness of his drawing
    • 4. the quality of sounding harsh and rasping her voice has a throaty roughness to it
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    • IPA[ˈrʌfnəs]


    • n.
      the quality or state of having an uneven or irregular surface: the craggy roughness of every peak

    Oxford Dictionary