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  1. sacking

    • IPA[ˈsakɪŋ]


    • n.
      an act of dismissing someone from employment;the pillaging of a town or city
    • noun: sacking, plural noun: sackings

    • 釋義


    • 1. informal an act of dismissing someone from employment the offence merited a written warning that could lead to a sacking
    • 2. the pillaging of a town or city Edward took Caen and subjected it to a brutal sacking the sacking of Camulodunum
    • 3. coarse material for making sacks; sackcloth.
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    • IPA[ˈsakiNG]


    • n.
      an act of sacking someone or something: the offense merited a written warning that could lead to a sacking

    Oxford American Dictionary