- 相關詞
- 同反義
1. set apart as or declare holy; consecrate
- consecrate
- , make holy
- , make sacred
- , bless
- , hallow
- , set apart
- , dedicate to God
- , anoint
- , ordain
- , canonize
- , beatify
2. make legitimate or binding by a religious ceremony
- approve
- , sanction
- , give the stamp of approval to
- , underwrite
- , condone
- , justify
- , vindicate
- , endorse
- , support
- , back
- , ratify
- , confirm
- , warrant
- , permit
- , allow
- , accredit
- , authorize
- , legitimize
- , legitimatize
3. free from sin; purify
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋsæŋktə͵faɪ]
- DJ[ˋsæŋktifai]
- 使神聖化;把……奉獻給神 St. Francis wanted to sanctify poverty, not to abolish it. 聖弗朗西斯想聖化貧困而不是消除它。
- 使神聖,奉獻給神,使成為神聖之物