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  1. scale

    • IPA[skāl]


    • n.
      an instrument for weighing, originally a simple balance (a pair of scales) but now usually a device with an electronic or other internal weighing mechanism;either of the dishes on a simple balance.
    • v.
      weigh a specified weight
    • noun: scales, plural noun: scales

    • 釋義
    • 片語


    • 1. an instrument for weighing, originally a simple balance (a pair of scales) but now usually a device with an electronic or other internal weighing mechanism bathroom scales kitchen scales
    • either of the dishes on a simple balance.
    • the zodiacal sign or constellation Libra.
    • 2. South African a large drinking container for beer or other alcoholic drink.


    • 1. weigh a specified weight some men scaled less than ninety pounds