1. the place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs or occurred
- location
- , site
- , place
- , position
- , point
- , spot
- , locale
- , whereabouts
- , arena
- , stage
- , set
- , locus
2. a landscape
- view
- , vista
- , outlook
- , panorama
- , prospect
- , sight
- , landscape
- , scenery
- , picture
- , tableau
- , spectacle
3. an incident of a specified nature
4. a specified area of activity or interest
- area of interest
- , field of interest
- , field
- , interest
- , speciality
- , territory
- , province
- , preserve
- , sphere
- , world
- , milieu
- , realm
- , domain
- , thing
5. a public display of emotion or anger
- fuss
- , exhibition of oneself
- , performance
- , tantrum
- , outburst
- , commotion
- , disturbance
- , row
- , upset
- , contretemps
- , furore
- , brouhaha
- , song and dance
- , to-do
- , carry-on
6. a sequence of continuous action in a play, film, opera, or book
7. a subdivision of an act of a play in which the time is continuous and the setting fixed and which does not usually involve a change of characters