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  1. sect

    • IPA[sɛkt]


    • n.
      a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs (typically regarded as heretical) from those of a larger group to which they belong.;a group that has separated from an established Church; a nonconformist Church
    • noun: sect, plural noun: sects

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    • 1. a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs (typically regarded as heretical) from those of a larger group to which they belong.
    • a group that has separated from an established Church; a nonconformist Church two of the older sects—the Congregationalists and the Baptists—were able to increase their membership dramatically
    • a philosophical or political group, especially one regarded as extreme or dangerous a sect of anarchists
    • abbr

    Oxford Dictionary

    • abbr

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[sek(t)]


    • n.
      a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs (typically regarded as heretical) ...

    Oxford American Dictionary