- IPA[ˈʃɪvə]
- shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited
- a momentary trembling movement;a spell or an attack of trembling, typically as a result of fear or horror
verb: shiver, 3rd person present: shivers, gerund or present participle: shivering, past tense: shivered, past participle: shivered
noun: shiver, plural noun: shivers
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited they shivered in the damp foggy cold
- 1. a momentary trembling movement she gave a little shiver as the wind flicked at her bare arms the way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine
- ▪ a spell or an attack of trembling, typically as a result of fear or horror a look that gave him the shivers
- shaking slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited: he bought a warm winter coat for a shivering man
- the action of shaking slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited: gradually his shivering slowed
Oxford Dictionary
- shaking slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited: he bought a warm winter coat for a shivering man
- the action of shaking slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited: gradually his shivering slowed
Oxford American Dictionary
- a mock oath attributed to sailors
Oxford American Dictionary
- a mock oath attributed to sailors
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈSHivər]
- (of a person or animal) shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, ... they shivered in the damp foggy cold
- a momentary trembling movement: she gave a little shiver as the wind flicked at her bare arms the way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈSHivər]
- each of the small fragments into which something such as glass is shattered when broken; a splinter.
- break into splinters or fragments: the world seemed to shiver into a million splinters of prismatic color
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈʃɪvə]
- each of the small fragments into which something such as glass is shattered when broken; a splinter.
- break into such splinters or fragments: the world seemed to shiver into a million splinters of prismatic colour
Oxford Dictionary