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  1. short

    • IPA[ʃɔːt]


    • adj.
      measuring a small distance from end to end;(of a journey) covering a small distance
    • adv.
      (chiefly in sport) at, to, or over a relatively small distance;not as far as the point aimed at; not far enough
    • n.
      a drink of spirits served in a small measure.;a short film as opposed to a feature film.
    • v.
      short-circuit or cause to short-circuit;sell (stocks or other securities or commodities) in advance of acquiring them, with the aim of making a profit when the price falls
    • verb: short, 3rd person present: shorts, gerund or present participle: shorting, past tense: shorted, past participle: shorted

    • noun: short, plural noun: shorts

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    • 1. (chiefly in sport) at, to, or over a relatively small distance you go deep and you go short
    • not as far as the point aimed at; not far enough all too often you pitch the ball short


    • 1. British a drink of spirits served in a small measure.
    • 2. a short film as opposed to a feature film.
    • 3. a short sound such as a short signal in Morse code or a short vowel or syllable her call was two longs and a short
    • 4. a short circuit.
    • 5. a person who sells short.
    • short-dated stocks.
    • 6. a mixture of bran and coarse flour.


    • 1. short-circuit or cause to short-circuit the electrical circuit had shorted out if the contact terminals are shorted, the battery quickly overheats
    • 2. sell (stocks or other securities or commodities) in advance of acquiring them, with the aim of making a profit when the price falls the rule prevents sellers from shorting a stock unless the last trade resulted in a price increase
    • plural
      short pants that reach only to the thighs or knees: cycling shorts

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • plural
      short trousers that reach only to the knees or thighs: cycling shorts

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      not having enough or the usual number of staff or crew: the kitchen was a bit short-handed because two cashiers were out with the flu, we worked short-handed

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • v.
      make (a bed) as an apple-pie bed: let's short-sheet Carrie's bed

    Oxford Dictionary

    • v.
      cheat (someone) by giving insufficient money as change: I'm sure I was short-changed at the bar
    • n.
      insufficient money given as change.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      an electrical circuit in a device of lower resistance than that of a normal circuit, especially ... an office block had been set on fire by an electrical short circuit
    • v.
      (with reference to an electrical device) malfunction or fail, or cause to do this, as a result ... the birds caused the electricity supply to short-circuit water had leaked into the washing machine's motor, short-circuiting it

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      in a device, an electrical circuit of lower resistance than that of a normal circuit, typically ... an office block had been set on fire by an electrical short circuit
    • v.
      (with reference to an electrical device) malfunction or fail, or cause to do this, as a result ... the birds caused the electricity supply to short-circuit water had leaked into the washing machine's motor, short-circuiting it

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      not having enough or the usual number of staff or crew: the kitchen was a bit short-handed the management worked short-handed

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[SHôrt]


    • adj.
      measuring a small distance from end to end: short dark hair a short flight of steps
    • adv.
      (chiefly in sport) at, to, or over a relatively small distance: you go deep and you go short
    • n.
      a drink of spirits served in a small measure.
    • v.
      short-circuit or cause to short-circuit: the electrical circuit had shorted out if the contact terminals are shorted, the battery quickly overheats

    Oxford American Dictionary