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    shrink wrap
  1. shrink-wrap

    • IPA[ˈSHriNGkˌrap]


    • v.
      package (an article) by enclosing it in clinging transparent plastic film that shrinks tightly on to it
    • n.
      clinging transparent plastic film used to enclose an article as packaging.
    • verb: shrink-wrap, 3rd person present: shrink-wraps, gerund or present participle: shrink-wrapping, past tense: shrink-wrapped, past participle: shrink-wrapped

    • noun: shrink-wrap, plural noun: shrink-wraps

    • 釋義


    • 1. package (an article) by enclosing it in clinging transparent plastic film that shrinks tightly on to it they carefully padded and shrink-wrapped the wood furniture


    • 1. clinging transparent plastic film used to enclose an article as packaging.