Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. sight

    • IPA[sīt]


    • n.
      the faculty or power of seeing;the action or fact of seeing someone or something
    • v.
      manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of;take aim by looking through the sights of a gun
    • verb: sight, 3rd person present: sights, gerund or present participle: sighting, past tense: sighted, past participle: sighted

    • noun: sight, plural noun: sights

    • 釋義
    • 片語



    • 1. manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of tell me when you sight London Bridge the unseasonal sighting of a cuckoo
    • 2. take aim by looking through the sights of a gun she sighted down the barrel
    • take a detailed visual measurement of something with or as with a sight he had to sight along the planks in the proper order to get the line right
    • adjust the sight of (a firearm or optical instrument) even when using binoculars, it is difficult to sight the lens angle in reverse