Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. sink

    • IPA[sɪŋk]



    • vi.
      下沉; 銷聲匿跡;倒下; 被某事物拖垮
    • vt.
    • n.
    • modif.
    • 過去式:sank 過去分詞:sunk 現在分詞:sinking

    • 名詞複數:sinks

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞
    • 片語


    • 1. 下沉; 銷聲匿跡 to sink to the bottom/below the surface 沉底/沉到水下 the wheels started to sink in the mud 車輪開始陷入泥裡
    • 2. 倒下; 被某事物拖垮 to sink to the ground/floor 倒在地上/地板上 to sink down/back 倒下/仰面倒下
    • 3. 下落 Venus was sinking below the horizon 金星正緩緩落下地平線
    • 4. 衰弱; 變低; 貶值 to sink fast 行將就木 to sink in value 貶值


    • 1. 使…沉沒
    • 2. 毀掉 to be sunk 完蛋 we'll be absolutely sunk if the train is late 如果火車晚點我們就徹底完了
    • 3. 放下; 放低
    • 4. 埋下 to sink one's differences 拋開分歧 to be sunk in despair/thought 陷入絕望/沉思中
    • 5. 挖掘 we shall have to sink a well to obtain water 我們只好打井取水了 to sink a gold mine 開掘金礦
    • 6. 把…擊入洞中; 以…擊球入洞 to sink the ball into the middle pocket 擊球入中區/入袋
    • 7. 猛喝
    • 8. 投入 he sank all his savings into the family business 他把自己的積蓄都投到了家族企業


    • 1. 洗碗槽 a double sink 雙水槽
    • 2. 污水坑 a sink of iniquity 罪惡的巢穴
    • 3. a heat sink 熱匯 a carbon sink 碳庫

    修飾詞 (modification)

    • 1. 污穢貧困地區的 a sink school 渣滓學校


    1. go down below the surface of something, especially of a liquid; become submerged

    2. (of a ship) go to the bottom of the sea or some other body of water because of damage or a collision

    3. cause (a ship) to sink

    4. cause to fail

    5. conceal, keep in the background, or ignore

    6. descend from a higher to a lower position; drop downwards

    7. (of a person) lower oneself or drop down gently

    8. gradually decrease or decline in value, amount, quality, or intensity

    9. approach death

    10. insert beneath a surface

    11. excavate (a well) or bore (a shaft) vertically downwards

    12. rapidly consume (an alcoholic drink)


    「1. go down below the surface of something, especially of a liquid; become submerged」的反義字

    「2. descend from a higher to a lower position; drop downwards」的反義字

    「3. (of a person) lower oneself or drop down gently」的反義字

    「4. gradually decrease or decline in value, amount, quality, or intensity」的反義字

    「5. approach death」的反義字

    • pp
    • pt
    • adj.
    • sink的名詞複數
    • sink的動詞過去式、過去分詞
    • sink的動詞過去式
    • ph.
      滲入; 插入 The rain sank into the dry and thirsty ground. 雨水滲入乾旱的土地。 He sank the knife into her back. 他把刀子插入她的背部。
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 下一頁


    • 更多解釋
    • KK[sɪŋk]
    • DJ[siŋk]


    • vi.
      (船等)下沉;(日,月)落,沒 The sun was sinking in the west. 夕陽西下。 The ship sank. 船沉了。
    • vt.
      使下沉;使陷入;把……插入 The submarine sank two ships. 潛艇擊沉了兩艘船。
    • n.[C]
      洗滌槽,水槽 The housewife always keeps the sink clean. 主婦總是保持水槽的清潔。
    • 沈入,滲入
