1. self-indulgently sentimental
- sentimental
- , over-sentimental
- , overemotional
- , mawkish
- , cloying
- , sickly
- , saccharine
- , sugary
- , sugar-coated
- , syrupy
- , romantic
- , hearts-and-flowers
- , twee
- , slushy
- , sloppy
- , mushy
- , weepy
- , tear-jerking
- , schmaltzy
- , cutesy
- , lovey-dovey
- , gooey
- , drippy
- , sloshy
- , soupy
- , treacly
- , cheesy
- , corny
- , icky
- , sick-making
- , toe-curling
- , cornball
- , sappy
- , hokey
- , three-hanky
- , Mills-and-Boon
2. lacking spirit and strength of character; feeble
- silly
- , foolish
- , soft
- , feeble
- , namby-pamby
- , cowardly
- , spineless
- , sissy
- , sissified
- , drippy
- , wimpish
- , wimpy
- , weedy
- , daft
- , wet