- IPA[sɔːt]
- past and past participle of seek
- 相關詞
- attempt to find (something): they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds
Oxford American Dictionary
- attempt to find (something): they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds
Oxford Dictionary
- in demand; generally desired: the most expensive and sought-after perfume this print will be much sought after by collectors
Oxford American Dictionary
- much in demand; generally desired: the most expensive and sought-after perfume
Oxford Dictionary
- lacking; not yet found
Oxford American Dictionary
- the time taken for a disk drive to locate the area on the disk where the data to be read is stored.
Oxford American Dictionary
- lacking; not yet found
Oxford Dictionary
- the time taken for a disk drive to locate the area on the disk where the data to be read is stored.
Oxford Dictionary
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