Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. splash

    • IPA[splæʃ]



    • n.
      濺潑聲; 飛濺;轟動
    • vt.
      濺起; 濺濕;潑
    • vi.
    • 過去式:splashed 過去分詞:splashed 現在分詞:splashing

    • 名詞複數:splashes

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞
    • 片語


    • 1. 濺潑聲; 飛濺 to go splash 發出撲通聲 to fall into the water with a splash 撲通一聲落入水中
    • 2. 轟動 to make a splash 惹人注目 to cause or make quite a splash 引起很大的轟動
    • 3. 戲水 to go for a splash 去游一會兒泳
    • 4. 濺上的液體; 濺上的泥點 splashes of water on the floor 地板上的一攤攤水漬
    • 5. 色塊 a splash of white 白斑
    • 6. 少量 to add a splash of milk 稍加點兒牛奶


    • 1. 濺起; 濺濕 to splash mud all over sb./sth. 把泥漿濺得某人渾身都是/濺得某物到處都是 he got splashed as the car drove through the puddle 車子開過水坑時濺了他一身水
    • 2. to splash water on (to) one's face, to splash one's face with water 往臉上潑水 to splash each other with water 互相潑水
    • 3. 潑灑 a towel splashed with blue and green 潑灑有藍色和綠色的毛巾
    • 4. 在顯著位置刊登 to be splashed across the front pages 刊登在頭版的顯著位置


    • 1. 濺落 raindrops splashing against the windscreen 劈里啪啦打在擋風玻璃上的雨點 water was splashing from the tap 水從龍頭裡嘩嘩地流出來
    • 2. 戲水


    1. cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops

    2. make wet by splashing

    3. (of a liquid) fall or be scattered in irregular drops

    4. strike or move around in a body of water, causing it to fly about noisily

    5. print (a story or photograph, especially a sensational one) in a prominent place in a newspaper or magazine

    6. a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid

    7. a small quantity of liquid that has fallen or been dashed against a surface

    8. a small quantity of liquid added to a drink

    9. a bright patch of colour

    10. a prominent or sensational news feature or story

    • splash的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
    • splash的動詞過去式、過去分詞
    • splash的名詞複數
    • 潑釉


    • ph.
      隨意花錢 They were cheap enough, so I splashed out $5 and got two. 它們很便宜, 所以我隨便花了五英磅就買到兩個。 She splashed out on a new pair of shoes. 她心血來潮買了一雙新鞋。
    • ph.
      (尤指宇宙飛船)濺落 The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific. 那艘宇宙飛船濺落在太平洋中。
    • ph.
      (坐在或站在水裡)用手或腳濺水 children happily splashing about in the bath 在浴缸裡快活地濺著水玩的孩子
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    • KK[splæʃ]
    • DJ[splæʃ]


    • vt.
      濺,潑 She accidentally splashed ink on my sleeve. 她不小心把墨水濺在我衣袖上。
    • vi.
      濺,潑;激起水花 The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor. 水從缸裡飛濺出來,落在地板上。 The baby liked to splash in its tub. 嬰兒喜歡在澡盆裡潑水。
    • n.[C]
      濺,潑;濺潑聲 The children jumped into the river with a splash. 孩子們撲通一聲跳進河裡。
    • adv.
      【口】撲通一聲地 He fell splash into the river. 他撲通一聲掉入河裡。
    • 飛濺的水,汙點,賣弄,濺潑聲,色斑濺濕,濺開,飛濺濺,潑,使濺起水
