- IPA[sprɪɡ]
- a small stem bearing leaves or flowers, taken from a plant;a descendant or younger member of a family or social class
- decorate (pottery) with small, separately moulded designs.
noun: sprig, plural noun: sprigs
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. a small stem bearing leaves or flowers, taken from a plant a sprig of holly
- 2. a descendant or younger member of a family or social class a sprig of the French nobility
- ▪ archaic, derogatory a young man.
- 3. a small moulded decoration applied to a piece of pottery before firing.
- 1. decorate (pottery) with small, separately moulded designs.
- 更多解釋
- IPA[spriɡ]
- a small stem bearing leaves or flowers, taken from a bush or plant: a sprig of holly
- decorate (pottery) with small, separately molded designs.
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[sprɪɡ]
- a small tapering tack with no head, used chiefly to hold glass in a window frame until the ...
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[spriɡ]
- another term for glazier's point
Oxford American Dictionary