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  1. stick

    • IPA[stɪk]


    • n.
      a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree.;a long, thin piece of wood used for support in walking or as a weapon.
    • noun: stick, plural noun: sticks

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    • 1. a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree. 同義詞 piece of wood, twig, small branch, cane, pole, ... 更多
    • a long, thin piece of wood used for support in walking or as a weapon. 同義詞 walking stick, cane, staff, malacca, alpenstock, ... 更多
    • (in hockey, polo, and other games) a long, thin implement, typically made of wood, with a curved head or angled blade that is used to hit or direct the ball or puck.
    • (in field hockey) the foul play of raising the stick above the shoulder.
    • a short, thin piece of wood used to impale food lolly sticks
    • informal goalposts or cricket stumps.
    • archaic a mast or spar.
    • a piece of basic furniture every stick of furniture just vanished
    • 2. a long, thin piece of something a stick of dynamite cinnamon sticks
    • used to refer to a very thin person or limb the girl was a stick her arms were like sticks
    • (of a figure) drawn with short, thin, straight lines stick drawings of a man and girl
    • a conductor's baton.
    • a gear or control lever.
    • US a quarter-pound pack of butter or margarine.
    • a number of bombs or paratroopers dropped rapidly from an aircraft the sticks of bombs rained down
    • a small group of soldiers assigned to a particular duty a stick of heavily armed guards
    • 3. a threat of punishment or unwelcome measures (often contrasted with the offer of reward as a means of persuasion) training that relies more on the carrot than on the stick
    • 4. British informal severe criticism or treatment I took a lot of stick from the press 同義詞 criticism, flak, censure, reproach, reproof, ... 更多反義詞 praise, commendation
    • 5. informal, derogatory rural areas far from cities or civilization he felt hard done by living out in the sticks
    • 6. informal, dated a person of a specified kind Janet's not such a bad old stick sometimes
    • 7. a large quantity of unsold stock, especially the proportion of shares which must be taken up by underwriters after an unsuccessful issue.
    • past and past participle of stick

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • past participle of stick

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      persevere or continue with something

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      persevere or continue with something

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      continue or confine oneself to doing or using a particular thing

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      continue or confine oneself to doing or using a particular thing

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[stik]


    • n.
      a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut from a tree.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[stik]


    • v.
      push a sharp or pointed object into or through (something): he stuck his fork into the sausage the candle was stuck in a straw-covered bottle

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[stɪk]


    • v.
      push a sharp or pointed object into or through (something): he stuck his fork into the sausage she stuck her finger in his eye

    Oxford Dictionary