- IPA[ˈstɒpɪŋ]
- a filling for a tooth.
noun: stopping, plural noun: stoppings
- 相關詞
- (of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen: his laughter stopped as quickly as it had begun the rain had stopped and the clouds had cleared
- a cessation of movement or operation: all business came to a stop there were constant stops and changes of pace
Oxford Dictionary
- (of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen: his laughter stopped as quickly as it had begun the rain had stopped and the clouds had cleared
- a cessation of movement or operation: all business came to a stop there were constant stops and changes of pace
Oxford American Dictionary
- the sounding of two strings at once on a violin or similar bowed instrument.
Oxford Dictionary
- thrilling; full of suspense: a five-minute burst of heart-stopping action
Oxford American Dictionary
- a point or place at which it is convenient to stop during a journey or activity.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a train which stops at most or all intermediate stations on a line.
Oxford Dictionary
- full of suspense or excitement; thrilling: a five-minute burst of heart-stopping action
Oxford Dictionary
- the sounding of two strings at once on a violin or similar bowed instrument.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a point or establishment at which to stop during a journey.
Oxford Dictionary
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