Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. storm

    • IPA[stɔːm]



    • n.
      暴風雨; 暴風雪; 雷暴;狂風
    • npl.
      外重窗; 外重門
    • vt.
    • vi.
      氣呼呼地走; 向前闖; 闖進;突襲
    • 過去式:stormed 過去分詞:stormed 現在分詞:storming

    • 名詞複數:storms

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 暴風雨; 暴風雪; 雷暴 we were or got caught in the storm and got drenched to the skin 我們遭遇了暴風雨,渾身都濕透了 a storm is brewing or gathering 暴風雨要來了
    • 2. 狂風
    • 3. 風暴 to cause or create or raise a political storm 引發一場政治風暴 a storm is brewing over ... 一場風暴正在醞釀
    • 4. 爆發 a storm of applause 暴風雨般的掌聲 a storm of protest 抗議的浪潮
    • 5. 紛飛 a storm of bullets 槍林彈雨
    • 6. 猛攻 to take a city/fortress by storm 突襲城市/要塞 to take sb./sth. by storm 使某人為之傾倒/在某地大獲成功


    • 1. 外重窗; 外重門


    • 1. 突襲
    • 2. 怒吼 ‘don't you know who I am?’ she stormed “你不知道我是誰嗎?”她怒喝道


    • 1. 氣呼呼地走; 向前闖; 闖進 to storm into 怒氣衝衝地闖入 to storm off 氣呼呼地跑開
    • 2. 突襲 troops stormed into the city at dawn 部隊在拂曉時分攻入城內
    • 3. 大發雷霆 to storm at sb. 對某人大發雷霆
    • 4. 有暴風雨; 有暴風雪; 有雷暴 it stormed last night 昨夜雷雨大作


    1. a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow

    2. a heavy discharge of missiles or blows

    3. a tumultuous reaction; an uproar or controversy

    4. a vehement outburst of a specified feeling or reaction

    5. a direct assault by troops on a fortified place

    6. move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction

    7. shout (something) angrily; rage

    8. (of troops) suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force