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  1. stream

    • IPA[striːm]



    • n.
    • vi.
    • vt.
    • 過去式:streamed 過去分詞:streamed 現在分詞:streaming

    • 名詞複數:streams

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 溪流 a mountain/an underground stream 山澗/地下溪流 a trout stream 有鱒魚的小河
    • 2. 湧流 a stream of blood 一股鮮血 a stream of smoke/light 一縷煙/一道光
    • 3. 一連串 a constant stream of enquiries 接連不斷的詢問 a steady stream of work 接二連三的工作
    • 4. 水流; 逆潮流/順應潮流的; 順應潮流 the river is high, and the stream is strong 河流水位很高,水流很急 against/with the stream 逆流/順流的
    • 5. 學生小組 the fast stream 快班
    • 6. 數據流


    • 1. 流動 tears streamed down her cheeks 淚水順著她的面頰流下 black smoke streamed from the exhaust 排氣管裡冒出黑煙
    • 2. 湧動 people streamed across the bridge 橋上行人川流不息 the audience streamed out of the concert hall 觀眾湧出了音樂廳
    • 3. 流淌 his face was streaming with sweat 他臉上汗水直流 her head was streaming with blood 她頭上在流血
    • 4. 飄揚; 漂動 the banner streamed out behind them 旗幟在他們身後飄揚


    • 1. 流出 the wound was streaming blood 傷口在流血 the exhaust streamed black smoke 排氣管裡冒出了黑煙
    • 2. 把…按年齡和能力分組
    • 3. 流播 if you visit their website, you can stream the whole album 如果你瀏覽他們的網站,你可以通過流播在線收聽整張唱片


    1. a small, narrow river

    2. a continuous flow of liquid, air, or gas

    3. a large number of things that happen or come one after the other

    4. (of liquid, air, gas, etc.) run or flow in a continuous current in a specified direction

    5. (of a mass of people or things) move in a continuous flow in a specified direction

    6. (of hair, clothing, etc.) float or wave at full extent in the wind


    「1. a large number of things that happen or come one after the other」的反義字

    「2. (of hair, clothing, etc.) float or wave at full extent in the wind」的反義字

    • stream的名詞複數
    • stream的動詞過去式、過去分詞
    • ph.
      投入生產 The new plant will be on stream this month. 新工廠將在這個月全面投產。
    • ph.
    • ph.
      在生產;投入生產 The factory is due to come on stream next year. 這工廠計畫明年投入生產。
    • n.
    • ph.
    • v.
      現場直播 Will there be live streaming of the game between Spurs and Thunder tomorrow? 明天馬刺對雷霆的比賽有現場直播嗎?
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    • KK[strim]
    • DJ[stri:m]


    • n.[C]
    • vi.[Q]
      流,流動;淌 The pipe broke and water streamed onto the floor. 水管破裂,水流到地板上。
    • vt.
      流出;湧出 Her nose streamed blood. 她的鼻子淌血。