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  1. streaming

    • IPA[ˈstrēmiNG]


    • n.
      a method of transmitting or receiving data (especially video and audio material) over a computer network as a steady, continuous flow, allowing playback to start while the rest of the data is still being received.;the practice of putting schoolchildren in groups of the same age and ability to be taught together
    • adj.
      relating to or using data transmitted in a continuous stream while earlier parts are being used;relating to or making use of a form of tape transport, used mainly to provide backup storage, in which data may be transferred in bulk while the tape is in motion
    • noun: streaming, plural noun: streamings

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    • 1. a method of transmitting or receiving data (especially video and audio material) over a computer network as a steady, continuous flow, allowing playback to start while the rest of the data is still being received.
    • 2. British the practice of putting schoolchildren in groups of the same age and ability to be taught together streaming within secondary schools is common practice


    • 1. relating to or using data transmitted in a continuous stream while earlier parts are being used a streaming service a streaming platform
    • relating to or making use of a form of tape transport, used mainly to provide backup storage, in which data may be transferred in bulk while the tape is in motion a streaming tape drive
    • 2. British (of a cold) accompanied by copious running of the nose and eyes she's got a streaming cold
    • n.
      a device used to stream video and audio content from the internet to a television: the best streaming box on the market

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a device used to stream video and audio content from the internet to a television: the best streaming box on the market

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈstriːmɪŋ]


    • n.
      a method of transmitting or receiving data (especially video and audio material) over a ...
    • adj.
      relating to or using data transmitted in a continuous stream while earlier parts are being used: a streaming service a streaming platform

    Oxford Dictionary