- IPA[ˈstʌdɪd]
- 刻意的; 做作的
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 刻意的; 做作的 his writing style is too studied and artificial 他的寫作風格太矯揉造作
- 學習 I don't have a lot of time for study 我可以用來學習的時間不多 a study period 自習時間
- 學業
- 學習; 攻讀 I've never studied local history 我從來沒學過地方史
- 學習; 複習 I didn't study much over the vacation 假期裡我花在學習上的時間不多 to study for an exam 複習備考
- 學習;研究;調查[U][P1] The plan is under study. 那個計畫正在研究中。 He has made great progress in his English studies. 他在學習英文方面進步很多。
- 學習;研究 For a year he studied Chinese with me. 他跟我學了一年中文。
- 學習,用功 My daughter often studies late into the night. 我女兒常常讀書到深夜。
- study的名詞複數
- 他學法語已經很久了嗎
- 用功準備考試 I know very well about the matter because I had studied it up in a book. 那件是我很熟悉因為我曾在一本書中讀到過。
- 解決 They have studied out this difficult problem. 他們已經解決了這個難題。
- 自習課
- 企業管理研究
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