Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. sundry

    • IPA[ˈsʌndri]


    • adj.
      of various kinds; several
    • n.
      various items not important enough to be mentioned individually;a run scored other than from a hit with the bat, credited to the batting side rather than to a batter; an extra.
    • noun: sundry, plural noun: sundries

    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. of various kinds; several prawn and garlic vol-au-vents and sundry other delicacies


    • 1. various items not important enough to be mentioned individually a drugstore selling magazines, newspapers, and sundries
    • 2. Australian a run scored other than from a hit with the bat, credited to the batting side rather than to a batter; an extra.
    • ph.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈsəndrē]


    • adj.
      of various kinds; several: lemon rind and sundry herbs
    • plural
      various items not important enough to be mentioned individually: a drugstore selling magazines, newspapers, and sundries

    Oxford American Dictionary