Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. support

    • IPA[səˈpɔːt]



    • vt.
    • n.
    • 過去式:supported 過去分詞:supported 現在分詞:supporting

    • 名詞複數:supports

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 支持 what team do you support? 你支持哪個隊? an organization that supports people with AIDS 一個向艾滋病患者提供援助的組織
    • 2. 資助 the project is supported by the EU 該項目受到歐盟的資助
    • 3. 供養 to support oneself/a wife and children 養活自己/妻小 she supported her son through college 她供兒子讀完了大學
    • 4. 維持 to support one's drug habit 維持吸毒的惡習
    • 5. 支撐 a platform supported by concrete pillars 混凝土柱子支撐的平臺 support the baby’s head when you hold it 抱嬰兒時要把頭托住
    • 6. 證實 the witness’s story was not supported by the evidence 目擊者的說法沒有證據的支持
    • 7. 為…進行墊場表演
    • 8. 支持


    • 1. 支持 there is strong public support for the change 公眾大力擁護這一變革 he spoke in support of the motion 他表示支持這一動議
    • 2. 資助 financial support 財政資助
    • 3. 生計 means of support 生計來源
    • 4. 支援 air/sea support 空中/海上支援
    • 5. 支撐 to give extra support 提供額外支撐 she held on to his arm for support 她抓住他的手臂以便能站穩
    • 6. 支撐物 a support for the tent 帳篷的支架 the supports under the bridge 橋下的支柱
    • 7. 支持者 Green Party support 綠黨的支持者
    • 8. 安慰 he was a great support to me when she died 她去世的時候,他給了我極大的幫助
    • 9. 證實 the statistics offer further support for our theory 統計數字進一步支持了我們的理論 there is a lot of evidence in support of this point of view 有大量的證據支持這個觀點
    • 10. 墊場演員; 墊場樂隊
    • 11. 技術支持 we offer free technical support 我們提供免費的技術支持 if you have a problem, just call support 如有疑問,請致電技術支持部門查詢


    1. bear all or part of the weight of; hold up

    2. give assistance to, especially financially

    3. provide with a home and the necessities of life

    4. give approval, comfort, or encouragement to

    5. suggest the truth of; corroborate

    6. endure; tolerate

    7. a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright

    8. material assistance

    9. approval, encouragement, or comfort


    「1. give assistance to, especially financially」的反義字

    「2. give approval, comfort, or encouragement to」的反義字

    「3. suggest the truth of; corroborate」的反義字