Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. survey

    • KK[sɚˋve]
    • DJ[sə:ˋvei]


    • vt.
    • vi.
    • n.
    • 過去式:surveyed 過去分詞:surveyed 現在分詞:surveying

    • 名詞複數:surveys

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 俯視,眺望,環視 From the top of the hill you can survey the whole city. 從山頂上你可以俯瞰整個城市。
    • 2. 全面考察(或研究);概括論述 This book surveys the events leading to the Civil War. 這本書概述了導致南北戰爭的各個事件。
    • 3. 測量,勘測,測繪 They surveyed the east coast from a helicopter. 他們從直升機上勘測了東海岸。
    • 4. 審視 She surveyed herself in a mirror. 她在鏡中端詳自己。
    • 5. 檢視(建築物等);檢驗(設備等) I'll have to get the house surveyed first, before I can make you an offer. 我先得請人檢查一下這房子,然後才能給你開一個價。
    • 6. 調查,向……作調查[H] In five of the villages that were surveyed, non-farm work provided one quarter of their income. 在五個被調查的村子中,非農工作為它們提供了四分之一的收入。


    • 1. 測量,勘測,測繪


    • 1. 調查;調查報告;民意調查(測驗)[U][C] A recent survey of public opinion showed that most people were worried about the increasing crimes. 一份最近的民意調查表明,大多數人對不斷增長的犯罪率表示憂慮。
    • 2. 全面的考察;概觀,概論[C] A survey of world history is one of the courses offered this semester. 世界史概論是本學期開的課程之一。
    • 3. 測量,勘測,測繪;測量圖[U][C] A survey of the property showed that the northern boundary was not correct. 對這塊地產的測量表明,它北面的邊界線是不正確的。
    • 4. 檢視,檢驗[C] We were pleased with our first survey of the house. 我們對那幢房子的第一次檢查感到滿意。
    • 5. 俯瞰;察看[C] She continued her survey of the landscape. 她繼續眺望景色。


    vt. 檢查;查看

    vt. 測量;估計