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  1. suspect

    • v.
      have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof;believe or feel that (someone) is guilty of an illegal, dishonest, or unpleasant act, without certain proof
    • n.
      a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offense
    • adj.
      not to be relied on or trusted; possibly dangerous or false
    • verb: suspect, 3rd person present: suspects, gerund or present participle: suspecting, past tense: suspected, past participle: suspected

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    • 1. a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offense the police have arrested a suspect


    • 1. not to be relied on or trusted; possibly dangerous or false a suspect package was found on the platform
    • adj.
      believed to exist or to be true, without certain proof: a suspected heart condition

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      believed to exist or to be true, without certain proof: a suspected heart condition

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • v.
      have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain ... if you suspect a gas leak, do not turn on an electric light she suspected that he might be bluffing
    • n.
      a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offence: the police have arrested a suspect
    • adj.
      not to be relied on or trusted; possibly dangerous or false: a suspect package was found on the platform

    Oxford Dictionary