Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. sweep up

    • ph.
      打掃; 掃除
    • 釋義


    • 1. 打掃; 掃除 She was left to sweep up after the party. 聚會結束後她被留下來打掃。
    • 更多解釋
    • vi.
      打掃乾淨 after you've finished in the kitchen, please remember to sweep up 你在廚房裡幹完活後記得打掃乾淨
    • vt.
      打掃 he swept the leaves up into a pile 他把落葉掃成了一堆


    • ph.
      打掃;掃除 She was left to sweep up after the party. 聚會結束後她被留下來打掃。